This guide covers the basics of translating a RocketTheme plugin to your native language.
Setting up WordPress for translation
Please skip this step if you have already set your native language for your WordPress blog.
To enable WordPress to load template language file:-
- Using your favorite text editor open file wp-config.php from your WordPress directory
- Locate the line: define (‘WPLANG’, “);
- In the second quotes (next to WPLANG) please type in your language code ie. for Polish pl_PL, for Deutsch de_DE, for Italiano it_IT etc.
- Final result of line should look like: define (‘WPLANG’, ‘pl_PL’);
- Save the file
Translating a RocketTheme plugin
In this example we will use the RokStories plugin for translation:
- Download the .pot file editor such as POedit (multi-platform)
- Open the editor and choose New Catalog from POT File
- Open the rokstories.pot file from the plugin languages directory (
- Click on a single phrase or sentence and type in your translation in the bottom of the POedit window
- Save the file using Save As and as a filename use your plugin name, country and language code ie. for Polish rokstories-pl_PL, for Deutsch rokstories-de_DE, for Italiano rokstories-it_IT etc. (For the polish translation for RokStories, saved as
If you want to you can share your translation with us so we could provide your language file to other users of WordPress Club here at RocketTheme.
Installing downloaded translation file for the RocketTheme plugin
Sharing your translation with RocketTheme
- After translating your .pot file POedit also creates the .mo file which contains your encrypted translation
- Just send us your (depending on what language is your translation) file located in ( and tell us for what country and what language is your translation