Aleph Level Sensors
Aleph’s level sensors are immersed in a liquid and sense a preset liquid level. A MagneSensor is mounted in the stationary part of the sensor and a ring magnet is mounted in a float which moves relative to the stationary member. When the float reaches the level of the MagneSensor, a switch closure occurs.
Floats are manufactured with the specific gravity of the float material tailored to the liquid.
Typical applications are window washing fluid, brake fluid, radiator water, engine oil, and nuclear cooling water level detection.
Single Level Sensors
These detect the level of a single liquid surface. |
Twin Level Sensors
These detect the level of two liquid surfaces. |
The most important factor in selecting a level sensor is the liquid for which it is to be used. Aleph’s level sensors have been designed and manufactured specifically for use in water, kerosene, and other liquids. Please contact us for further details on recommended conditions of use and available stem lengths, etc.