The new Gantry Framework, brings parallels of unheard functionality to WordPress. When WordPress was first born, it is primarily used for blogging, but since then it has evolved towards being a content management system, as well as one of the leading blog softwares available today.

With Gantry you are able to specify different preset styles (called overrides), of which you can assign to menu items, tags, categories, and taxonomies.

How to create an override:

In the Reaction Gantry settings panel, click on the Add button to create the new override, and then the Edit button to change the name. Please remember to press Enter button in order to finish editing new name.

Override Name

Now you are able to set new options for your new override, like for example the preset style that you would like to use:

Overriding a setting

You will also notice in the gantry tab, a 1 has appeared. This is to show you how many overrides have been invoked on that tab.
Now that a gantry setting has been overridden, lets assign it to one of the many different types of Assignments that Gantry has to offer, a Menu Item. Click on the Assignments tab, and you will see various types of assignments that you can use. Now check the Menu Item Features, and click the button below to Add to Assigned, and you will see it in the Assigned Overrides list.

Assigning an Override

Click Save Changes, and then navigate to the frontend of the site, and click Features on the main menu, and you will see that the style has changed, to the style number that you specified in the override.
You can also assign widgets to different positions as well using Gantry, which allows you to have unprecedented control over how your WordPress blog’s design and functionality. To use this functionality, make sure that your new override is set in the override drop box, and click the widget button at the top of the gantry theme settings panel.

Widget Overrides Button

You will then be taken to the widget settings page, where you will notice a change in the widget positions names.

Widget Positions Override Option

You can override a widget position by checking the tick box next to the widget position, and then either remove the widget(s) or add a widget to the override position.